Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just a thought

Just a thought. I hate it when people say, "don't waste my time". Firstly, what makes their time so much more important than others? Why can't they just be a little nicer and less self-important? Why must they be so selfish and self-scented till they can't find their butts with both hands? Why must they be so arrogant that they only see the tips of their noses? Why am I asking so many whys?

This thought actually came a while after SUTC, which, as some of you may know if you have been loyal to me and reading this fail blog, is one of the toughest (after GTC since GTC is twice as hard) camp ever to exist on the face of this universe. It aimed to teach us batch bonding, discipline and others before self, and it sucsseded (however you spell it). Maybe SUTC was more worth the 3 days spent on it then I thought o.0

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