During assembly we had a talk by the founding member or ACRES, or *somethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomething*. He was talking about stuff like animal testing, how in 40 minutes, 8000+ sharks would have been killed and whale sharks.
My point is, I am actually quite disgusted with people like these who abuse all these animals. A question posed to us by the guy was, "Do animals have rights"? My answer would be, "why not?"
Even though animals may not be as intelligent as us, why should it mean that they are given less or no rights? They were put in this earth for a reason. Should humans be so blind and ignorant as to not see that?
Maybe because I'm quite different from others. I don't really know how to explain because I don't really know myself, but why must humans be so self centered? Is it really hard to imagine if you were kidnapped, brought to a country on the other side of the world and made to do something you dislike for the rest of your living life?
And the case about sharks. 8000 sharks killed, slaughtered, every 40 minutes. In one year thats about a 100 million sharks killed, or should I say, murdered. Just a thought, if 100 million people were murdered every year, would the world take action? Would there be an outcry? Naturally there would be. Not saying this is a bad thing. But if the people were replaced with animals like sharks, would the reaction be the same? Why should it be different? Aren't they living, sentient beings like humans?
What should make homo sapiens so special?
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