Monday, July 6, 2009


Let's just classify the several groups of people in this world. 

First, theres those who are really good at something, but boast and brag about it and basically be a complete idiot.

Then, theres those who completely suck at something, but they still boast about it like they don't, and basically be even bigger idiots.

Then, theres nice people who are really good at something, but their humble and everyone respects them.

Theres also those who suck at something, but they know they suck and they just get on with life, or try to improve themselves.

Then theres those who are just average who either just keep quiet, or boast.

To me, it's like everyone I know can be classified into one of these six groups.

Rather stupid that my CS/CLE project website is called, (its not up yet :D).

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