Friday, March 18, 2011

Lots of shit

Hello. This is the massively long update for the events of the past four hectic weeks.

Firstly was overnight. Nothing much to say except that it was quite stressful planning out all the things like cooking race and our BLOODY AWESOME damn fail skit. As I'm typing this a month later I can't exactly remember the exact details of what happened. For the sec 3s/PLs/random people it started at about 1pm where we had to build the flag staff. But since we were slacking and taking our time we eventually finished it at about 3pm+. We didn't have the experience of building a quick flagstaff, which was to our disadvantage during SUTC.

Once horseshoe was blown we had the usual things like tent pitching etc. Then we had cooking race, where since I'm absolutely bloody hopeless whenever it comes to food and everything I touch ends up poisoning people, I went to wash the chicken. After getting over the initial reaction (you know, the reaction when you stick your hands into a raw cold fatty disgusting squishy chicken), it became slightly entertaining as I tried to high five everyone I saw.

So it started raining like mad and we all migrated over to the gym hall atrium to cook. Rain + soil + grass = mud, and during PL call the last person there would have to down 10 in the previous equation mentioned. Unfortunately due to the J1s lacking control over their new-found power to down people, they eventually made us all down in the grass through their cunning ways. They SMSed us, "PL Call". And then they started blowing the whistle. So since we were all late we downed a total of like 30 in the mud. Those who got wet started to pull those who weren't into the mud, so we all ended up wet, dirty and stinky. My patrol's food actually tasted pretty decent, but then I only tried the chicken.

After cooking race was the campfire. Boring as hell, but its the first time 01 was having this segment in overnight so initial quirks were to be expected. Once again they exercised their power with the whistle and had random calls. And pumping. Owl's skit naturally placed me in the lead role as super-cow, and I think every patrol's skit was something similarly stupid (lol alliteration). After that was Fright Night. I will not elaborate.

The next day I can't really remember what we had. Most likely we had stuff like station games and shit, but it was quite insignificant. In the afternoon we had footdrill practice, especially for the sec 1s to get ready for the investiture that night. Investiture was predictably boring as usual, but it was amusing to watch the sec 1s mess up their foot drills.

Overnight was quite a new experience especially as a PL, since there was hell a lot of stuff to coordinate and plan beforehand. Hopefully I'll be able to cope with AC, which would be pretty damn sucky if I already find Overnight that difficult.

The two (??? I think so) weeks following that was spent working on pre-hike log for First Class. I was paired up with Terence so at least I had a decent partner, unlike some people whom I do not care to mention at this point (:

First class itself was pretty sucky, our route was bloody foam. And I have finally appreciated how much doing route map sucks. Nothing much to say, except that pitching bashas at night was damn screwed up due to mis-alignment and everything. But staying up and doing sentry and cooking noodles was fun :D

The three days after First Class was spent rushing out hike log. Damn sian. I chionged checkpoint maps all the way till early Tuesday morning, about 1-2am. On Tuesday I stayed back after school in the den till 6pm to finish off route maps. Then that night I stayed up till 4am to wait for Terence's part and put together everything. On wednesday we rushed to printing shop during lunch to print and bind everything. After act that day the J1s told us that they were giving everyone a universal extension. FML

So since we had finished our hike log (ONLY PATROL TO DO SO LOL IMBA) we didn't have much to worry about. I ended up helping a certain someone to finish his hike log since his partner isn't exactly the most competent of people. But meh, I'm a nice guy :D

Then the week after that was Job Week. I cannot even begin to describe the immensity of the turd this year's jobweek sucked. I got $x on the first day. I got $x + $40 on the second, where the additional $40 was due to my parents taking pity on me. But yeah, it sucked. Especially the first day, where I thought that all the people living in newly developed areas like Punggol would be nice people. But nooooo, they're mostly complete assholes. As though they think that I can't tell when they look through the peephole but still don't open the door since the ray of light coming through the peephole disappears when someone looks through. Incoherent gibberish trolololol.

But meh, it sucked.

After that was SUTC, where I was elevated to the honorary position of SS I/C, aka cheeboh. For the uneducated, cheebohs pump a lot. Enough said.

But SUTC was pretty fun. Well, not on the first day where us SS got completely owned by the J1s for general incompetency, such as our flagstaff up 20 minutes late, flag prematurely opening, facing wrong way, dragging down trainees with slow timings, 4 minute improper inspection. Over the course of the three days we slowly improved damn a lot, such that at the end of the camp 9 SS were able to suan the trainees with 1min40sec inspection (: Sense of accomplishment ftw.

But SS was pretty fun, the pressure and the stress of trainees were virtually non-existent, except during Night Call. Although according to SS J1 ICs they were impressed with our imba nightcall :D

Quite a lot of funny stuff happened along the way, such as Mus cramping his back when pelvic thrusting cans of longan syrup. Once again my memory is failing me even though the camp was just two days ago.

Right before the final horseshoe us awesome SS managed to do 100 pushups in a row as a batch :D Then after that we were all foaming during final clearing. But the experience was worth it. I think our batch is pretty damn awesome (:

After four weeks I'm starting to fall sick from all the past events. Bloody tired. And I lost all my comp skills after spending so much time away from games :(

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Is feeling damn tired. Doing Geog essay, the past few days have been taken up by First Class - pre hike log, hike, hike log and now the bloody essay. I'll update 4-in-1 after jobweek and SUTC: OVERNIGHT, FIRST CLASS, JOBWEEK and SUTC. Now I'm damn tired. Slept at 4am yesterday, got owned by J1s in PT today for not being zai enough.


Is feeling damn tired. Doing Geog essay, the past few days have been taken up by First Class - pre hike log, hike, hike log and now the bloody essay. I'll update 4-in-1 after jobweek and SUTC: OVERNIGHT, FIRST CLASS, JOBWEEK and SUTC. Now I'm damn tired. Slept at 4am yesterday, got owned by J1s in PT today for not being zai enough.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Is tomorrow. Now is lots of last minute planning and stuff. And packing. And sorting out a whole shit-load of money issues.

Longer than (currently) usual update when i get back.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Being a PL is tiring.

I'm tired.

Do I give up?

Why do people always question my decisions?

Why am I always getting angsted?

Why is my patrol always failing?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Holy crap

That's a lot of plogs that we haven't done.

15 posts to a century!

And being a PL feels weird. Hmm.

Friday, February 4, 2011


It is better not to speak and be thought a fool then to speak and dispel all doubt.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

CNY.... sick

It's the first day of CNY. It's the fifth week of school. Most of the time has been spent adjusting to the new screwed up time table.

The guests left the house about an hour ago. The time between then and now has been spent lying down and trying to cope with my fever. Not fun.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Goodbye 2010...Hello 2011! (And OBS)

Super long post coming up.

2010. The first half of which I'd prefer to forget. Started off with overnight, meeting new sec 1s (and failing the batch pioneering), then on to Jobweek and SUTC. After that was mid-year preparation, or for me, non-mid-year-preparation, since I didn't prepare. So my results sucked and I was pissed, and following that was AC where I was a total asshole and an attention-seeking ass. But after that was stuff like Ni-Ke (nighthike) then EoYs where I actually prepared then was GTC then was group celebs.

A year in a paragraph. I guess if it had been a little more memorable the description would be a little longer and more detailed, but 2010 sucked in general. But there are a few people I'd like to thank/acknowledge for making it a little more bearable.

Family, for putting up with my shit the whole time.

Classmates. In class I've always been really quiet and shy and only talking to teachers when I'm asked a question. Sometimes I can be quite -.- because I don't contribute much to class stuff. I didn't really get to know any of them (other than 01 people) really well and I think none of them got to know me well either. I think the most they'd remember of me would be my CoD4 skillz and my EoY maths score (+43.5% improvement, anyone?). But thanks anyway for making each lesson somewhat fun, and not always because of the teachers. Random jokes flying everywhere, talking cock, bullying joking with teachers, talking about work and stuff.

01. Probably one of the biggest parts of my life (other than school -.-). To my seniors, sorry if I've been too sarcastic or too uncooperative or too annoying or anything, that's just how I am. To my juniors, if I've been too bossy or at times angsty. And lastly (cliche of "last but not least" ftl), my batch mates, who are totally awesome people. Thanks to all of you guys for just being yourselves :D.

I think 2010 was actually better than 2009, which sucked even more. 2009 was the year where I was a little idiot in 01, the quiet guy who barely existed. In class was pretty much the same. I hardly knew my class and people liked labelling me as fail (scroll down a lot for details). That's when I started my stupid emo thing which barely lasted and looking back, was more born out of self-pity than anything else. 2010 was more of a roller coaster. A sucky start and a pretty awesome ending. This time I did complete GTC (scroll down for more details), got a PL post and everything.

When I'm typing this on 9Jan2011, I'm thinking of how much 01 has changed me. Maybe you'd think (especially seniors) that I'm just a noobshit little sec2/3 and I don't really see the impact, but I really think I do. I've been that little bit more confident, that little bit more contributive. Without 01 I think I would have been the same quiet little shit who barely existed at all. In 01 I've also gotten to know a bunch of awesome people, most of whom I admire greatly. Seniors, batchmates, and even some of my juniors. The pumping and discipline is typical of a UG, but all that only brings people closer together. So once again, thanks for just being awesome.

2011. A year of great expectations. As a PL, the responsibility of about 10 people on you for the whole of their 01 year. In a way, for the sec 1s, a responsibility for the rest of their RI life. 01 really changed me, and hopefully if I don't screw up as much I could get them to see how much it can change them too.

In academics, with my new-found skills for mugging. Pressure is on to not screw up mid-years, to not screw up EoY, and generally to not screw up. To study hard, pull up my socks and focus. Hope I can cope with it.

I would say it's almost mid-night on the new year soon, but unfortunately that was nine days ago.

I said I would post this on the eve of new year, but I was at some wedding thingy. So to everyone, belated happy new year!

On to the second part of this bloody long post.

OBS. After GTC OBS never seemed that tough anymore. The bags were the same weight, the food even better, the physical aspect less tiring, and not much mental strength required to complete the camp. The only thing that was quite degen was sleeping in the wet tents, but even that was memorable and a new experience.

The first day was made up of logistics and was bloody boring. The second day we set off from Hotel Ubin Campus 1 (camp 1 alpha oi!) and row boated (NOT KAYAKING I DAMN PISSED OFF OKAY) down to cony island then headed west to Singapore, the same place where we launched off on the first day. Spent the night there. Third day we headed North to the tip of ubin in some gravel-ly area, met camp 1 beta there. Fourth day we hiked back down to base camp, then did some high elements stuff which looked something like this: except indoors and about 7 poles high. The last day was cleanup which sucked as usual (I mean, who enjoys cleanup?). Then I came back from OBS and I have 60 sandfly bites.